secretarypmfcOct 15, 2023SOCIAL MEMBERSHIPSHead on over to to take advantage of our new Social Memberships!
secretarypmfcOct 15, 2023FINAL UNIFORM HANDOUTUniform Handout - Last Chance to pick up at the club! CFS will be down at the club on Monday 16 October 2023 from 4:30PM - 6:30PM. We...
secretarypmfcOct 15, 2023ONLINE STORE NOW OPENThe online shop is now officially open!! The link listed in this post is where everyone will need to go, to purchase additional apparel,...
secretarypmfcOct 15, 2023 2023/2024 REGISTRATIONSDon’t forget that registrations for the 2023/2024 season are open! We've been working hard behind the scenes to ensure that this year's...